Thistle Ridge RR HI Spirits X Thistle Ridge RR Cherry Crisp

Deven Creek SPF Prince Foxy Roxy
Marytown Prince Charming X Buckeye WCF Kewpie Rose

Springer Farms Hot Wire X Strasslein Annie Okey

Reece’s Thunderstorm X Olive Branch Puttin On The Ritz

Majestic Farm Jay Hawks Legacy X Rio Reds Shooters Polka Dot

MH Tuffs Top Buck X Rio Red Shooters Polka Dot

Samis Sling Shot X Ultra Golden Charm

Rocholls Shoshone Dream
født d 18/3 1999 – 27/1 2023 R. I. P.
Boones Little Andy X Jandts Bon To Bee

Blue Ribbon Baydacious
Blue Ribbon Mr Bodacious X Dandys Rising Stars Mistys Kate

Rio Red Scouts Lickety Split
Fallen Ash Farms Scout Out Loud X ERL Apaches Silhouette

Olive Branchs Puttin On The Ritz
Mini Bits Encores Special Delivery X Grahams Nellie Mae

Teglmosens Shyanne West
Westwind Farms Bordeaux By Attitude X Rocholls Shoshone Dream

Teglmosens Papaya Whiz
Blue Ribbon Black Velvet G Whiz X Rio Red Shooters Polka Dot
RIP aflivet 2022

Teglmosens Eloise Glory
Polly X Elsje V. D. Wilpsedijk

Cohns Dolly Eagle
født d 29/5 2000 – 27/1 2023 R. I. P.
Lucky Four Look Of Eagles X Rivers Edge Dancing Doll

ML Superstars Sugar Baby
Lucky Four Sugar Boys Superstar X ML Silverados China Doll

Teglmosens Penelope Whiz
Blue Ribbon Black Velvet G Whiz X Rio Reds Shooters Polka Dot

RSB Chasing The Clouds
RSB Chasing The Clouds

Vermilyea Byzantines Flawless Gem
Vermilyea Byzantines Flawless Gem